ASSASSIN'S CREED IN VR • UNKNIGHTLY VR GAMEPLAY (GAME-PLAY REVIEW BY MERPTV)Check out this wonderfully produced game-play video of Unknightly from MERPTV! Unknightly's Public Beta (Early Access) has released on...
Defender Class Gameplay ShowcaseWanna see how fun is Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet? Now you can watch our very own Ben destroying those space creatures as a DEFENDER...
Galactic Core:The Lost Fleet is now available on OCULUS RIFTIf you have been missing out on the most fun action game on the galaxy Galactic Core:The Lost Fleet since you have owned only an Oculus...
This Thursday, GC:TLF is out on Oculus RiftAre you as excited as us? after some long wait your favorite VR scary as hell game, Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet is going to be...